VPN Connection Failing

VPN Connection Failing

avril 15, 2011 Add Comment
I was having an issue with my new Macbook Pro not connecting with Cisco VPN. I had a few times this morning, but then stopped working. After a few google searches, I found this answer:

Source: http://superuser.com/questions/194961/os-x-10-6-4-system-vpn-failing-to-connect-ike-packet-transmit-failed

"This occasionally occurs for me as well, e.g. when I switch between two different Cisco VPNs. It seems to be a minor crash in racoon somewhere*. Manually restarting the process seems to do the trick for me:

$ ps -ef | grep racoon
0 5861 1 0 0:00.09 ?? 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/racoon
$ sudo kill 5861
$ ps ax | grep racoon
$ sudo /usr/sbin/racoon
$ ps -ef | grep racoon
0 6786 1 0 0:00.08 ?? 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/racoon -x
(Don't know what the '-x' param does, it's not mentioned in the man page)

(*) Haven't investigated"

Now its working! Real easy fix.

New Position

New Position

avril 14, 2011 Add Comment
As I spend my morning cleaning up my new office, I think about the old duties and mates that I left behind. It was only yesterday, but I already miss my friends in the College of Education at Penn State. My duties were administering the Mac systems in the College and today I start my new job administering Mac systems for public labs at Penn State. I look forward to getting to know my new colleagues, settling into my new office, and getting to know my new job responsibilities. As I sit here looking out my window watching the students pass from one class to the next, I think of my days on campus as a student. As Mr. Layhe says: "Tempus Fugit"

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCaxeFu0sMk