Greatest Weekness

septembre 11, 2011
Disguise a strength as a weakness. 

Examples of Weaknesses:

  1. I sometimes push my people too hard. I like to work with a sense of urgency and everyone is not on the same wavelength.
  2. For my weakness, I always say that some people say I'm over-friendly. You can't go wrong with that one. Usually, the person interviewing is like "Oh, that's not a bad thing at all."
  3. I'm a little egoistic when it comes to winning things and get a little ruthless too.
  4. I lose patience sometimes when I am not in a position to complete the assigned job in time.
  5. I have to work on having more patience and giving myself a break, because I always want everything done at once.
  6. Tend to go to any limits while helping my friends.
  7. I am too focused on my work and I need to find more time to relax.
  8. I'm too focused on work and need to develop some after-hours hobbies.

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