Prime Discount New Game Releases Gone!

août 17, 2017
Bad news Amazon Prime Members: Our 20% discount on new game releases (physical copies) has been removed.

Most game pre-orders will still hold their 20% off savings, but for new games that have just released? It looks like that's been removed. Take a look at some of the games released in the last 2 weeks and you'll see that their discount has vanished. Sonic Mania, Agents of Mayhem, Sudden Strike 4: our 2 week grace period for the 20% off is no more. It does appear that Amazon has updated their website and FAQ to reflect the very recent change. A message has been sent to Amazon for details, and awaiting a response.

But as a gamer, this nice perk is no more. One of the things I appreciated about having that 2 week extension for the discount is that it gave me time to read game reviews on a product before jumping in to make a purchase. As more developers hammer in the "do not talk" rule on new games until their release, it's been difficult to make well-meaning purchases. Reviews generally guide us in determining whether or not we buy a game. I know it's not all of the time, but for most of us, we look to game reviews as a means to verify if a game is worth our money. We don't want to drop down, $59, $69, $79 dollars on something that ends up being a poor product. Returning it for a refund isn't an option with a majority of retailers - trade in is your best bet and you're out money.

There are also a few games, such as Destiny 2, that are exempt from the pre-order 20% off discount. It could be a developer-specific reason, but it still sucks. Best Buy still has their $10 reward associated with Destiny 2 if you are a member of their program. So, what's up Amazon? That perk of yours that I really appreciated has vanished, and it'd be nice to have some answers.

If Amazon responds for clarification, I will update this post.

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